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Hario V60-02 Insulated Stainless Steel Server-White

Spent Grounds Coffee Roasters

Hario V60-02 Insulated Stainless Steel Server-White


You're hard at work, fuelled only by delicious coffee that you brewed to keep you on point. Suddenly, you go to take a drink but your cup is empty so you pick up your decanter to refill your cup.

But disaster! The coffee has gone cold!

Concentration broken, you have to break away to brew more, only to never recover your train of thought. However, that was a 2016 problem.

In 2017, Hario has introduced an insulated stainless steel coffee server with a super sleek modern design.

This 550ml, vacuum sealed, double wall beauty will allow you to serve, and enjoy, your favourite coffee for longer, ensuring your concentration never need be broken.

You can even brew directly in to the carafe from your beloved V60 dripper.

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