Starting a Home Roasting Revolution, One Bean at a Time!
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U-Roast-It Coffee

Trinity ONE 3-in-One Coffee Brewer


Press. Drip. Immersion. All in ONE. 

The Trinity ONE concept was dreamed up 3 years ago by founder, Mark Folker, who made his entry into specialty coffee coming from a background in the seemingly familiar and parallel specialty wine scene.  

As an engineer, Mark developed the conceptual design drawings for his new brewer, and then took his concept to a local industrial design team at Infinity Design in Brisbane, Australia, who assisted in linking with factory suppliers and in materialising the product concept into a functional prototype.  From there, Mark launched, and took it to Kickstarter for an attempt to get funded. 

The product-to-prototype journey after Kickstarter has been frantic and intense. While still working full-time and supporting his family, Mark is working tirelessly around the clock in order to advance his prototype into a product between trips to his factory. Throughout the process, the highest priority has been to fulfil the orders of his Kickstarter, distributor and pre-order customers all over the world - the ones ultimately who are credited for bringing the product into the market for the very first time. 


Step 1. Insert Filter into Filter Housing (use AeroPress paper or stainless steel disk).

Step 2. Lock Filter Housing onto Brew Chamber and turn Flow Controller 'off'.

Step 3. Add 17g (dosing tool 2/3 full) of fresh, filter coffee, ground to 'medium-fine' coarseness. 

Step 4. Add 250g (or just below fill line) of filtered water, heated to 92-96°C or 200-205°F. Immerse for ~45 seconds. 

Step 5. Press, by clipping the Press Cap onto Press Cylinder, turning Flow Controller 'on', and then inserting the Press Cylinder. Hold cylinder until Press Cap is in Brew Chamber, then release and let gravity do the rest! Once coffee is pressed through, turn Flow Controller off, remove cup or server and enjoy!

Step 6. Clean by removing Filter Housing with right hand and guiding Press Cylinder to rest with left hand. Hit grounds into compost or sink, wash clean, and dry Filter Housing and Press Cap for next use. See below video for further instruction on cleaning.

Step 7. When not in use, lock Filter Housing back onto Brew Chamber and stow on the bench. 


Step 1. Insert Filter into Brew Chamber (for paper use Hario V60 2-Cup or Chemex 6-Cup cone filters, for stainless steel use E&B Lab or Able Kone).

Step 2. Lock Filter Housing onto Brew Chamber and turn Flow Controller 'on'. Note, this step is only required if you are brewing into a cup and need to direct coffee through spouts. If brewing a larger batch, simply place a decanter or server underneath. 

Step 3. Add 15g of fresh filter coffee per 250g water, ground to 'medium' coarseness, varying for filter used. Tip: The dosing tool will fit 22g of coffee beans (pre-ground) when full, which will work well with 365g water. This is the volume of water that you get if you pour to the fill line in Brew Chamber (with Flow Controller 'off'). 

Step 4. Bloom, by adding 30g of heated water to coffee (ratio of 2:1 against coffee dose), to allow trapped CO2 to escape. 

Step 5. Pour over, by adding remaining 220g of water, heated to 92-96°C or 200-205°F. Pour in circular motion around outer edge of coffee. Tip: To ensure correct volume of water, either measure or pre-weigh water before heating, or use a scale. For larger batches, maintain a ratio of 55-60g of coffee per litre of filtered water. 

Step 6. Clean by removing filter and discarding into compost or sink. Wipe clean condensation on Brew Chamber with tea towel or microfibre cloth. 

Step 7. When not in use, insert Press Cylinder, lock Filter Housing back onto Brew Chamber and stow on the bench. 


Step 1. Insert Filter into Filter Housing (use AeroPress paper filter or stainless steel disk).

Step 2. Lock Filter Housing onto Brew Chamber and turn Flow Controller 'off'.

Step 3. Add 15g (dosing tool 2/3 full) of fresh, filter coffee, ground to 'medium-fine' coarseness. 

Step 4. Add 250g (or just below fill line) of filtered water, heated to 92-96°C or 200-205°F. Immerse for ~2:00 minutes.  For cold brew, immerse with room temperature water for 12 hours, or brew a larger batch in fridge at ratio of 40g coffee to 500g water and immerse for 12-18 hours, then filter coffee using Trinity ONE (Step 5)

Step 5. Filter coffee (or tea) by turning Flow Controller 'on'. Tip: If coffee is ground too fine, you may need to use the Press Cylinder to filter the coffee (refer Press Method Brewing Guide).

Step 6. Clean by removing Filter Housing with right hand and guiding Press Cylinder to rest with left hand. Hit grounds into compost or sink, wash clean, and dry Filter Housing and Press Cap for next use. 

Step 7. When not in use, lock Filter Housing back onto Brew Chamber and stow on the bench. 

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